Beyond the Ballet

Lesson 7

Testimony from Senator Dale Righter

Senator Dale Righter has served the 55th Senate District since 2003, after having served in the Illinois House of Representatives from 1997 to 2003. He currently serves as Republican Spokesman for the Appropriations I Committee and the Executive Appointments Committee. Additional committee assignments include Assignments, Human Services, Appropriations II, Insurance, and Veterans Affairs.

Senator Righter graduated from Eastern Illinois University with a B.S. in Accounting (1988) and received his Juris Doctor from St. Louis School of Law (1991). He has been an attorney from 1997 to the present.

Senator Righter has two sons, Jonathan and Benjamin. Benjamin attends Eastern Illinois University majoring in Physics and Engineering. Jonathan attends the United States Military Academy at West Point, majoring in Geographic Information Sciences and Technology. Senator Righter is a regular member of our Bible studies in the Capitol, is eager to grow in Christ, and has been an encouraging friend to us for many years.

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